

英國5月 7日即將舉行大選,改選下議院全部的席次。這次大選,英國是不是可能變天,攸關英國是不是會退出歐盟。
英國日前舉行選前首度電視辯論,參與的主要政黨領導人多達7人,但真正有機會成為下一任首相的,恐怕還是只有現任首相、保守黨領袖卡麥隆(David Cameron),以及工黨領導人米勒班(Ed Miliband)。而卡麥隆已經承諾,如果他繼續擔任首相,將舉行退出歐盟公投。

A lower house election is slated for May 7 in the UK. The election results play an important role in whether this country will withdraw from the EU. The first televised debate for the election was held the other day. As many as seven major political party leaders participated; however, those who stand a chance of becoming the next Prime Minister may be incumbent Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader David Cameron as well as Labor Party leader Ed Miliband. Cameron has promised to hold a referendum on this issue if reelected.


1. ballot box    票箱

Cast the ballot in the ballot box over there. 投票的票箱在那兒


The Cabinet are meeting now. 內閣正在開會中

3.election campaign 競選

The endless public appearances are an inevitable part of an election campaign. 競選時無止盡的公開出席站台是必要的

4.the final push最後衝刺階段

They’re making a final push against enemy forces. 他們正在與敵人做最後的對抗

5. incumbent

The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took office.現任的總統從上任後就得面對問題



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