【 林書豪名言篇】瞬間注滿Linsanity正能量!Jeremy Lin為你打氣~名人中英金句

覺得生活苦悶 ?來點正面能量鼓勵自己!TutorABC為你推出一系列的名人中英金句,沮喪的時候別只是低頭埋怨,這樣只會讓自己的注意力都放在「不想要」的部分,無形中更放大加強了這一切!


不管林書豪Jeremy Lin投效黃蜂隊的表現和去向如何,球迷對他的喜愛始終不減。原因除了他竄起的傳奇故事,造就Linsanity(林來瘋)旋風,他謙遜踏實的個人魅力也是眾人肯定的原因。現在就來看看他曾說過什麼正能量金句吧!

Jeremy Lin
Jeremy Lin 照片取自CBS SPORTS

I’m not like the next Michael Jordan, but I’m also not what everyone saw me as before I started playing in the NBA, either.
我並不是下一個麥可喬丹, 但我也並非是進NBA前,大家眼中的那個我。

I’m not playing to prove anything to anybody.

I’m not playing for other people; if I start thinking in those terms I would put too much pressure on myself. I play basketball because that is what I love to do.

People are moved by my story, but they’re only moved by my story because of what I do on the court.

Tim Tebow is one of my biggest inspirations. I actually want to be able to do some of the things that he does in terms of the amount of charity work and the non-profit work, and the way he impacts people off the field. I think that is what is most inspiring to me about him.




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