


Sedentary behavior is the fourth-leading risk factor of death. After analyzing 47 studies of sedentary behavior, researchers from Toronto found that sedentary behavior increases our chances of getting a disease, even if we exercise.

So what can you do to reduce the time you spend engaged in an activity that is not good for you? The study authors made some simple suggestions to help you sit less. If you are at work, you could try a standing desk. If you watch TV at night, don’t zoom ahead during the commercials. Instead walk around or at least stand up during the show break.


所以你能做些什麼,來減少時間在一個對你不好的活動上呢? 該研究的作者有些簡單的建議,以幫助你減少久坐。若你在上班,你可以嘗試需要站立的辦公桌。若晚上看電視,廣告時不要轉台。在節目中間休息時,起來走動一下或至少站起來一下子。


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