Taiwan Exports Pork After 24-year Hiatus等了24年,台灣豬肉終於可以出口了

After a 24-year hiatus, Taiwan was recently declared a foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) free zone, where vaccination is not practiced by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). On July 11, the first order of 550 kilograms of pork, placed by casino operators in Macau, was delivered on a StarLux Airlines flight.

The FMD outbreak in 1997 hit Taiwan’s pig farming industry very hard. Taiwan had been banned from exporting fresh pork products since then. With the designation announced by OIE, Taiwanese pork is finally returning to the international market. Taiwan will target Japan and countries in Southeast Asia as the main export markets in the initial phase.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

豬肉出口中斷了24年後,台灣終於恢復「口蹄疫非疫區」的身分可以重新出口,世界動物衛生組織改列不再施打疫苗的「非疫區」。7月11日,首張來自澳門賭場的550公斤豬肉訂單,由星宇航空(StarLux Airlines)航班運送至澳門,成為24年來首批出口的豬肉產品。


輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

ban是「明令/法規禁止」的意思,兼具動詞及名詞兩種詞性。若做動詞使用,可以直接說ban+N.(禁止「某個東西」)或是ban sb. from Ving(禁止某人做某事),若做名詞使用,則需加冠詞及介係詞a ban on+N(一項針對「某個東西」的禁令)。


  • foot-and-mouth disease (縮寫為FMD) 口蹄疫
  • export v. 出口
  • import v. 進口
  • outbreak n. (疾病、戰爭等令人不愉快的事情)爆發、突然發生
  • designation n. 認定、指定區域
  • African swine fever(縮寫為ASF) 非洲豬瘟


To keep ASF out of Taiwan, pork products from ASF infected areas are strictly banned from importing.





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