手寫筆記好處多,讓你與你的大腦都雙贏!Taking notes by hand is a win-win for you and your brain

Living in a digital age, we often use laptops or smartphones to take notes, but it might be time to pick up a notebook and pen when you need to do some note-taking!

Why? Because taking notes by hand is a win-win. Experts have found that typed notes are more “non-generative,” meaning they involve less processing of information. By contrast, notes taken by hand involve cognitive engagement in transforming information that leads to deeper understanding.

Computers may be faster and more efficient, but you and your brain will benefit from good old-fashioned paper and pen.

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輕鬆帶著走 │學習

win-win 很常使用,但許多人在使用時或許被中文文法影響,會忘記前面要加「a」。不管是把 win-win 當作名詞或形容詞,前面都要加冠詞「a」。

例句:It’s a win-win strategy!


  • laptop (n.) 筆記型電腦
  • note-taking (n.) 記筆記
  • cognitive (adj.) 認知的
  • engagement (n.) 參與
  • transform (v.) 轉化、轉變
  • old-fashioned (adj.) 老派的、舊式的



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