普普藝術之王安迪沃荷NFT拍賣 三百萬美元成交Andy Warhol NFTs Sold for over $3 million

Andy Warhol, the king of pop art, had five of his works sold as NFTs for US$3.3 million at an auction in New York recently, scoring another big win in the NFT department.

The five unique NFTs were versions of digital artwork Warhol made in the 1980s, a breakthrough moment in the creation of digital art. There are two Warhol self-portraits, one of his iconic Campbell’s soup cans, a signature Warhol flower, and a banana on a blue background.

The sale attracted equal participation from new participants from the cryptocurrency community and Christie’s clients. Among the successful bidders, three were based in the U.S., one in Europe, and one in Asia.


普普藝術之王安迪.沃荷的五件數位藝術作品,最近在紐約的一場佳士得拍賣會上以 NFT 的形式,以總價 330 萬美元售出,為NFT市場再創佳績。

這五件獨特的數位藝術作品,由沃荷在 1980 年代期間製作,是當年數位藝術創作的一大突破。其中有兩幅是沃荷的自畫像,一個是他最有名的康寶濃湯罐頭、一朵他的代表性圖像花朵,還有一根放在藍色背景的香蕉。

這次拍賣也吸引了許多人參與,其中有一部份來自加密貨幣投資者,也有傳統的佳士得客戶。得標者遍布世界各地,包括美國有 3 人,歐洲與亞洲各有 1 人。



NFT就是Non-fungible token的縮寫,fungible就是「可取代的、代替的」的意思。翻成中文是「非同質代幣」。目前大多數加密貨幣,都是同質代幣,但NFT每顆都有不一樣特質,因此無法互相取代。


  • auction 拍賣
  • breakthrough 突破
  • portrait 畫像



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