首度獲獎!台灣廣告坎城創意獎發光Taiwanese Ad Won Major Award at Cannes Lions

A commercial titled “In Love We Trust” won Grand Prix at Cannes Entertainment Lions, a global event for communications and advertising. It is the first time a Taiwanese production won a major award.Directed by Lo Ging-zim, this Sinyi Realty commercial lasts seven minutes and centers on “trust.” Lo said that the ad mirrors the lives of local people.

The jury president, Jae Goodman, said the clip had made him cry several times. He also noted that the ad was effective at changing the industry’s culture. The creative agency said that they wanted to encourage people to pursue what they believe and love through this ad.


信義房屋的廣告「幸福是和信任的人一起找到永遠」贏得2021年坎城創意獎娛樂獅的全場最大獎,這是台灣作品首次在此獲得的大獎。這部廣告由羅景壬導演,時長七分鐘,以「信任」為主題, 反映台灣在地人的生活。

坎城娛樂獅評審團主席Jae Goodman 表示,這段廣告影片讓他哭了好幾次,非常驚豔房仲廣告也能如此感人,更指出這則廣告做到了透過改變文化來幫助推進客戶生意。該廣告創意商也表示,他們希望透過這則廣告鼓勵人們,在這個不確定的年代,依然能夠追求他們所相信和喜愛的事物。




例如:I work in advertising. 我在廣告業工作。

I saw an advertisement for a new car on TV last night. 昨晚我在電視上看到了一則新車的廣告。


  • mirror (動詞)反映
  • jury 評審團
  • encourage 鼓勵



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