中國最大的叫車服務「滴滴出行」被要求從app商店中下架Didi, the largest ride-hailing service in China, removed from app stores

In early July, the Cyberspace Administration of China ordered the smartphone app stores to remove Didi Global Inc’s app. DiDi, the ride-hailing service giant, has been alleged to illegally collect user data and violate China’s cybersecurity rules.

The company just made its initial public offering(IPO) debut in New York on 29 June and raised $4.4 billion. DiDi has nearly 380 million active users and arranges 20 million rides a day in China, on average.

While having suspended new user registration, DiDi will still provide the ride-hailing service to existing users, including customers and drivers who have already downloaded the app. In its statement, DiDi promised to conscientiously rectify these issues to comply with the country’s data protection rules.


「滴滴出行」是中國最大的叫車服務手機app。七月初,中國的「國家互聯網信息辦公室」(the Cyberspace Administration of China, CAC)勒令各大手機業者的「app應用服務商店」將「滴滴出行」app下架。身為網路叫車服務巨頭的「滴滴」被指控違法蒐集用戶資訊,違反了中國的網路安全規範。




一般想到「遵守(規範、規定)」等意思,我們常用follow(跟隨、聽從)、obey(服從、遵守)等動詞,如果想用正式一點的說法,則可以說comply with,後面接名詞。

例句:Students should comply with school rules and regulations.學生應該要遵守學校的規定與守則。


  • ride-hailing 叫車;ride (n.)(搭交通工具的)行程;hail (v.)召喚
  • cyberspace (n.)網路空間;cybersecurity (n.) 網路安全
  • violate (v.) 違反
  • conscientiously (adv.) 仔細確實地
  • rectify (v.) 改正



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