五分鐘英語-了解巴爾的摩塌橋狀況!Baltimore Bridge Collapse


分析師初步評估顯示,巴爾的摩基伊大橋(Key Bridge)的倒塌將對當地經濟造成重大影響,但對於美國整體經濟而言,其可能引發的漣漪效應可能微乎其微。與2021年蘇伊士運河塞船事件或2023年紅海危機相比,這一事件對全球貿易的影響可能更為有限。



Welcome to TutorABC’s News Series, where we delve into stories of resilience, hope, and human connection. And today, we bring you a tale of courage amidst chaos, a story of safety in the face of danger.

On a seemingly ordinary Tuesday morning, tragedy struck the city of Baltimore. The Francis Scott Key Bridge, a vital lifeline connecting communities, collapsed, sending shockwaves through the region. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there emerged a beacon of hope—a message of safety from the crew of the DALI cargo ship.


Andy Middleton, director of the Apostleship of the Sea, received a message hours after the bridge collapse. It was a message of reassurance, a testament to the resilience of those at sea. Middleton shared his experience with CNN’s Laura Coates, recounting the moments of relief and gratitude upon hearing that all aboard the DALI were unharmed.


Andy Middleton: “I reached out to a crew member very early this morning… and get a message to them asking if they were OK. That crew member responded within just a few minutes advising that the crew was safe, and everybody that [was] on board was safe.

Andy Middleton: 「今天一大早我聯繫了一名船員……給他們發了一條消息詢問是否安全。那名船員在幾分鐘內回復,告知船員們都安全,船上的每個人都平安無事。」

The crew, consisting of 22 members from India, had embarked on their journey just hours before the incident. Their destination: Sri Lanka. Yet, fate had other plans, guiding them away from the dangers lurking off the Yemen coast.


Middleton shared insights from his conversation with the ship’s captain, revealing a decision to chart a safer course, circumventing the risks posed by the turbulent waters near Yemen.


Andy Middleton: “When I was out with the captain yesterday… he advised that they were sailing down and around the tip of South Africa in order to avoid the incidents that are going on off the Yemen coast, and it was a safer way to go.

Andy Middleton: 「昨天我和船長在一起時…他告訴我們,他們正在繞過南非的海角,以避開也門海岸發生的事件,這是一條更安全的航行路線。」

The Apostleship of the Sea, a ministry dedicated to the welfare of seafarers, embodies the spirit of compassion and solidarity. Through their presence in ports like Baltimore, they offer support and care to those who brave the seas, ensuring they are treated with dignity and respect.


Host: As we reflect on this remarkable story, let’s ponder a few questions:

What challenges do seafarers face while navigating the world’s oceans?

How does the Apostleship of the Sea provide support to those at sea?

In times of crisis, how do communities come together to offer aid and comfort?

What lessons can we learn from the resilience of the DALI cargo ship crew?

How can we ensure the safety and well-being of seafarers worldwide?


  1. 海員在航行世界各大洋時面臨哪些挑戰?
  2. 海洋使徒協會如何向海上人員提供支援?
  3. 在危機時期,社區如何團結起來提供援助和安慰?
  4. 我們可以從DALI貨船船員的韌性中學到什麼教訓?
  5. 我們如何確保全球海員的安全和福祉?

Thank you for joining us. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories of resilience and hope. Until next time, take care and stay safe.



✦ DALI cargo ship 達利號貨輪 (撞毀凱伊橋)

✦ Francis Scott Key Bridge 法蘭西斯·史考特·基大橋

✦ Apostleship of the Sea 向船員傳教的教會

✦ apostle 使徒

✦ crew member 船員

✦ Sri Lanka 斯里蘭卡

✦ Yemen coast 葉門海岸

✦ Port of Baltimore 巴爾的摩港

✦ dignity 尊嚴

✦ resilience 恢復力/彈性

✦ solidarity 團結一致

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