五分鐘英語-《馴鹿寶貝:現實與虛構的交匯》Baby Reindeer: Intersection of Reality and Fiction

(Photo VIA :Netflix Baby Reindeer)

Netflix最新影集《馴鹿寶貝Baby Reindeer》取得了令人意想不到的成功。該劇在四月中開播,起初並不被看好,但卻意外成為Netflix全球最受歡迎的劇集,連續三周登頂,甚至超越了《三體3 Body Problem》。

劇中原型人物Fiona Harvey現身,接受英國名嘴Piers Morgan的訪問,強烈否認劇中對她的描繪,稱其為“虛構作品”。這一現實與虛構的交織,使得《馴鹿寶貝》劇內劇外同樣話題不斷。本文將探討這部劇集如何在現實與虛構之間引發如此多的關注和爭議。

讓我們一起來聽聽這個現實與虛構的交織的影集有什麼秘密吧!用聽得更有趣 https://www.tutorabc.com/count.asp?code=kTiNZGDDoR

(Photo VIA :Netflix Baby Reindeer)

Host: Welcome back, dear listeners, to another episode of “TutorABC.Com.” I’m your host T, and today we’re embarking on a journey into the captivating world of the Netflix series “Baby Reindeer.”


Before we begin, let me teach you a commonly encountered English word in the video, which is “stalker”. The term “stalker” refers to a person who harasses or persecutes someone in an unwanted and obsessive manner. It typically refers to an individual who behaves by continuously tracking, monitoring, sending threatening messages, etc., to the victim, potentially causing them mental distress or threatening their safety. The word “stalker” is derived from the verb “stalk”, which means to secretly track or follow someone, often used to describe the behavior of someone who secretly enters or harasses others. Synonyms include harasser, stalker, and persecutor.

在開始之前,讓我教你一個在影片中常見的英文單詞 – “stalker”。



Host: “Baby Reindeer” has garnered attention for its gripping storyline and compelling characters. At the center of it all is Martha, a character who has ignited controversy and intrigue alike.


(Photo VIA :Netflix Baby Reindeer)

Host: But what’s the real story behind Martha? Recently, allegations have surfaced regarding the inspiration behind this character, raising questions about truth and fiction. Fiona Harvey, the woman alleged to be the real-life Martha, has spoken out against the series and its creator, accusing them of defamation.

Host: In her interview with Piers Morgan, Harvey vehemently denied the portrayal of Martha as a stalker, labeling it as “a work of fiction.” She expressed her dismay at being depicted in such a defamatory manner and criticized Netflix and Richard Gadd for perpetuating what she claims are falsehoods.

主持人:在接受Piers Morgan的採訪中,Harvey強烈否認了Martha被描繪成跟蹤者的說法,稱之為“虛構作品”。她對自己被如此誹謗性地描繪感到沮喪,並批評Netflix和Richard Gadd繼續傳播她所稱的虛假信息。

VIA:Piers Morgan/X

Host: Despite the controversy, “Baby Reindeer” continues to be a sleeper hit, captivating audiences with its intense storyline and complex characters. However, the real-life implications of the series have sparked debate about the responsibility of content creators and the impact of storytelling on the lives of individuals.


Host: As viewers delve deeper into the series, questions arise about the blurred lines between reality and fiction. The internet sleuths who attempted to uncover the truth behind Martha’s character only added fuel to the fire, prompting discussions about privacy and the consequences of online speculation.


(Photo VIA :Netflix Baby Reindeer)

Host: In the midst of it all, one thing remains clear: “Baby Reindeer” has left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape, sparking conversations about accountability and the power of storytelling. Whether it’s a reflection of reality or a work of fiction, one thing is for certain – this series has captured the imagination of audiences worldwide.

主持人:在這一切的混亂中,有一件事情依然清楚:《馴鹿寶貝》在文化風景中留下了不可磨滅的印記,引發了關於責任和故事的力量的討論。無論它是現實的反映還是虛構的作品,有一點是肯定的 – 這部劇集已經俘獲了全球觀眾的想像力。

Host: That wraps up today’s episode of “TutorABC.Com.” Join us next time as we explore more hidden gems and intriguing tales from the world of entertainment. Until then, stay curious and keep watching!


(Photo VIA :Netflix Baby Reindeer)

Vocabulary 學習單字:

✦ embarking (verb) – Beginning or starting on a journey or venture.

出發 (動詞) – 開始或著手進行一段旅程或冒險。

✦ captivating (adjective) – Attracting and holding the attention or interest of others; fascinating or enchanting.

迷人的 (形容詞) – 吸引並保持他人注意或興趣的;迷人的或迷人的。

✦ allegations (noun) – Assertions or accusations made without proof.

指控 (名詞) – 沒有證據的斷言或指責。

✦ controversy (noun) – A prolonged public dispute or debate, often involving differing viewpoints.

爭議 (名詞) – 一場長期的公開爭執或辯論,通常涉及不同的觀點。

✦ intrigue (noun) – A secret or underhanded scheme or plot; the quality of being fascinating or captivating.

陰謀 (名詞) – 一個秘密或不誠實的計劃或陰謀;迷人或迷人的品質。

✦ defamation (noun) – The act of damaging someone’s reputation by making false statements.

誹謗 (名詞) – 通過發表虛假言論損害某人聲譽的行為。

✦ sleeper hit (noun) – A product or production that becomes unexpectedly successful after a period of slow initial sales or limited attention.

潛力爆款 (名詞) – 在一段時間內銷量緩慢或受到有限關注後突然成功的產品或製作。

✦ indelible (adjective) – Not able to be forgotten or removed; permanent or lasting.

難以磨滅的 (形容詞) – 不能被遺忘或去除的;永久的或持久的。

✦ stalker (noun) – A person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.

騷擾者 (名詞) – 一個不受歡迎且沉迷於對某人進行騷擾或迫害的人。

✦ implications (noun) – The conclusions that can be drawn from something, often suggesting a particular course of action or interpretation.

暗示 (名詞) – 可以從某事物中得出的結論,通常暗示特定的行動或解釋。



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