一直查看手機可能是想要融入群體的模仿行為Constantly checking your cell phone might be a mimetic behavior to blend in

Researchers in Italy lately found that when someone looks at his smartphone for more than five seconds, people around him are very likely to check their phones as well within a minute. Yawning has a contagious effect, and so does phone-checking. The phenomenon of subconsciously replicating others’ behavior is known as mimicry or the chameleon effect.

Mammals have evolved to imitate each other’s behavior unconsciously to form social bonds. And this might be the reason for the widespread use of electric devices on a large scale. However, staring at cell phone screens doesn’t do much to connect us with people. Since using a cell phone is a solitary action, it can instead increase social isolation.





blend (v.) 是混合、攪拌的意思,blend in/into 則是融入、混進去的意思,例如blend into the society融入社會、或是blend into the crowd混入人群。


She tried to blend in to the community by following their rules. 她努力藉由遵守他們的規矩來融入這個群體。


  • mimetic (adj.) 模仿的。mimicry (n.) 模仿
  • contagious (adj.) 有傳染力的
  • phenomenon (n.) 現象
  • replicate (v.) 複製
  • evolve (v.) 進化
  • bond (n.) 連結、關係
  • solitary (adj.) 獨自的



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