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The Australian government is to ban the dumping of earth from seabed excavation on the Great Barrier Reef. Industrial excavation known as capital dredging is done to create or enlarge shipping channels; however, the reef, home to a huge array of life, is under threat from massive industrial development to enlarge port facilities. Environment Minister Greg Hunt said the ban would protect the 99% of the marine park that is the responsibility of the federal government.


中文:澳大利亞政府禁止在大堡礁傾倒從海床挖掘的泥土。開挖工程又被稱為基本疏浚用來建造或擴大航道河床; 然而,礁脈,.一大批生物的棲息地,正受到大規模的工業開發擴大港口設施的威脅。環境部長格雷格.亨特說,這項禁令將保護99%的海洋公園,它是聯邦政府的責任。

dumping(v.) –  傾倒

meaning:the act of getting rid of dangerous waste material in a place that is not safe

e.g. The government has banned the dumping of poisonous chemicals in local rivers.



seabed (n.)  – 海床

meaning:  the land at the bottom of the sea

e.g. The seabed is home to a number of unique life forms.



excavate(v.) –挖掘

meaning: to make a hole in the ground by digging up soil, etc.

e.g. The ground was excavated for a foundation.



reef (n.)-暗礁,礁脈

meaning:a line of sharp rocks, often made of coral, or a raised area of sand near the surface of the sea

e.g. Several miles of coral reef will be protected by the new proposal.



dredge(v.) – 清淤,疏浚(河道等);挖掘(泥土等)

meaning:to remove mud or sand from the bottom of a river, harbor, etc., or to search for something by doing this

e.g. They dredged for oysters.





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