

1. 鳳梨酥:真正好吃的鳳梨酥是用台灣土鳳梨作成餡,口味是酸酸甜甜的味道。

Pineapple pastry: The best pineapple pastry has a filling made of Taiwanese pineapples. The flavor is tart and sweet.
2. 鹿港牛舌餅:鹿港牛舌餅內餡為麥芽糖,主要的作法是將麵粉、糖粉、水等材料混合後,揉勻成麵團,包上內餡後再桿成橢圓狀,接著煎或烤而成。

Lukang ox-tongue cakes: Lukang ox-tongue cakes have maltose as the filling. You mix flour, icing sugar, water, etc., and roll them into dough. Then you roll it into an oval shape, with the filling. Next, you either fry or bake the dough.

3. 車輪餅:外皮以麵粉、雞蛋與砂糖製成,外皮之間夾有紅豆、奶油或是蘿蔔絲等餡。

wheel pies: The crust is made of flour, eggs and sugar. The filling can be red beans, cream, or shredded turnip.

4. 水果冰棒:傳統的水果冰棒都先用水果純手工削皮,切塊,再打成汁加入糖塑型冰凍而成。

fruit popsicle: The traditional way to make a fruit popsicle is by peeling and dicing the fruit by hand before squeezing it with sugar and then having it shaped and refrigerated.

5. 蜜餞:通常以桃子、梨、棗、生薑或果仁等為原料,再用糖或蜂蜜醃漬後加工製成。

preserved fruit: It’s made mostly from peaches, pears, dates, ginger, or kernels; and preserved with sugar or honey.


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