

商務簡報都有幾個固定的用語,小編特別整理了TutorABC與能力雜誌合作企畫的文章,學好此篇文章教的用法,英文就會變得較為道地,做的簡報也會顯得很專業。想當個商務簡報達人,最好一切從簡:內容過多,客戶就會吃不消,或是興致索然。There are a number of set phrases that are used often in business presentations. In this article, we will learn and practice some phrases to help your English sound more natural and make your next presentation more professional. To ace your next business presentation, it is best to keep it simple: if you include too much information, clients can feel overwhelmed or lose interest.

Welcoming       歡迎觀眾

Before beginning a presentation, greet everyone and thank them for their attendance. This is also the time to introduce yourself.簡報開始前,跟在場的人打招呼,感謝他們出席,你也能順便自我介紹。

For example, you can start your welcome address as follows:舉例來說,你可以這樣起頭:

Good afternoon ,everyone. On behalf of ABC Company, I’d like to welcome you all here today and thank you for attending our presentation. 大家午安,我要代表ABC公司歡迎各位,感謝你們參加今天的簡報。


Let’s get started正式開始

After a quick greeting and self-introduction,     it’s time to state the goal of your presentation.快速地跟觀眾打招呼,並自我介紹以後,就要說明這次簡報的用意何在了。

To begin your presentation, try one of the following useful phrases:   你可以用底下其中一句話來為簡報開頭

  • I’d like to start by…     我想從……談起
  • Let’s begin by…     我們就從……開始吧
  • First of all, I…首先呢,我……
  • In today’s presentation, I want to focus on…今天簡報的重點是……
  • I’ll begin by…  我會先……


Let’s use these aforementioned phrases in the following examples:我們用上述的例子來造句

  • I’d like to start bythanking you all for coming this morning.我想先向今早出席的各位說謝謝
  • Let’s begin bylooking at sales figures from last month.我們先來看上個月的銷售數字
  • First of all, Iwant to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with me today.首先,我要感謝各位今天能撥冗參加。
  • In today’s presentation, I want to focus on ways to improve the customer service experience.今天簡報的重點是改善客服體驗的方法
  • I’ll begin byasking you to refer to the handouts you were given as you came in.各位進來時都拿到講義,我要先請你們看一下這份講義。


After your opening statement, you should let your audience know what to do if they have questions or want to give an opinion. Try one of these phrases:待你講完開場白,就應該跟觀眾說明一下有問題,或是想提意見時該怎麼辦。試試底下幾句

  • Please hold all of your questions until the end.  有問題的話請在簡報結束時發問
  • If you have questions or comments throughout the presentation, please feel free to express them right away.倘若你們待會有問題要問,還是想發表評論,盡管當場提出來沒關係。
  • Please write down any questions on the post-it notes I have provided and place them here. We will deal with questions before the break.  麻煩把你們的問題寫在我給你們的便利貼上,再放到這裡來,我們會在休息前處理。




It’s not enough to present a topic; you must also be able to discuss its importance in detail and share your thoughts on plans for action. Here are some useful phrases to do just that:光是點出主題還不夠,你還得鉅細靡遺討論主題有多重要,跟觀眾說你打算採取什麼行動。這裡有些句子可用

  • Where does that lead us?這會引領我們走向什麼方向
  • Let’s consider this in more detail…   我們來仔細研究一下這件事
  • What does this mean for our company? I believe…     我們公司如何看待這件事我相信……
  • Translated into real terms…  實際來說


Let’s use these aforementioned phrases in the following examples我們用上述的例子來造句


  • Where does that lead us?The increase in sales in Europe will necessitate an increase in production for our German retailers.這會引領我們走向什麼方向?歐洲銷售量增加,德國零售商的產量勢必會跟著增加。
  • Let’s consider this in more detail.The increase in sales in Europe is in stark contrast to the decline in sales in North America last month.我們來仔細研究一下這件事,歐洲銷售量提升和上個月北美銷售量下降形成了鮮明的對照。
  • What does this mean for our company? I believe we need to begin an extensive and focused advertising campaign in North America.我們公司如何看待這件事我相信我們需要在北美發動鋪天蓋地的宣傳活動,且目標要非常明確。
  • Translated into real terms, if sales do not improve over the next few months, we may be looking at layoffs and cutbacks   實際來說,倘若接下來幾個月的銷售量未見起色,公司就得裁員、節流了。


Presentations are often enhanced by the use of visual aids such as charts, graphs, tables, or other visual representations of data or figures.   簡報通常都會搭配圖表,以視覺的方式來呈現數據,以替簡報加分。

  • Allow me to draw your attention to…    請大家看一下……
  • As you can see…    如各位所見……
  • I’d like to point out…    我要提出……
  • This pattern reflects / illustrates…   照該模式看來……
  • Let me bring your attention to…  請大家看一下……
  • If we look at these figures, we’ll see that…  我們看了這些數字就能明白……
  • Comparing these two charts, it is clear that…  這兩個圖表兩相對照下,即能清楚知道……
  • Notice that…  請注意……
  • According to this graph, it seems that…根據該圖,看起來……


Changing Topics換主題


Before moving on to another topic, let your audience know that the current discussion is complete by using one of the following phrases:   要講新的主題前,要先讓觀眾明白目前的討論已結束,這時就可以說以下其中一句話

  • That’s all I have to say about…   關於……我要說的就是這些
  • We’ve looked at ______ in detail.       我們看完了……
  • This concludes the ______ section of my presentation.   這次簡報關於……的部分我就講到這裡
  • This concludes the section on…    關於……的部分我就講到這了



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