

Top 7 French Supermarket Souvenirs to Buy at Monoprix



1. French Soap 香皂

Soap has been crafted in France since the middle ages. While there may be fancier brands out there, I still loved this cheap bar of supermarket soap about 1.5 euros). Available in a variety of scents, I always go for savon au lait (milk). 法國人從中古世紀以來就製作香皂,雖說市面上有高檔的香皂,我還是中意這款超市賣的便宜香皂,要價1.5歐元左右。此款香皂有很多香味可選,我是都買牛奶香皂啦。


2. Pocket Wash cloths 口袋型面巾

I stocked up on several of these cute pocket wash cloths (I liked the white with navy trim best).這種口袋型面巾滿可愛的,我囤積了幾個(我最喜歡白色面巾外圍縫上深藍色的邊那款。)

Voila– put the soap and wash cloth together with a little ribbon and you have a French supermarket gift for under five bucks. 瞧,把香皂放在面巾裡,再拿條小緞帶綁起來,就是現成的禮物,五塊美元不到就買的到。


3.French Bath Gel 沐浴乳

This body wash is both cheap and awesome 這款沐浴既便宜又好用。


4. Colorful Makeup Bags 七彩化妝包

These colorful makeup Bags designs caught my eye. 化妝包的色彩鮮豔,設計很吸睛。

旅遊達人推薦法國超市買紀念品04 法國菜瓜布加上洗碗布

5.Striped French Kitchen Towels 條紋洗碗巾

These thick French kitchen towels are super absorbent and durable. Different color options are available, but I loved the towels with the same stripes as on the French flag.這款洗碗巾很厚,吸水力十足又耐用,有不同顏色可選擇,但我喜歡的是這塊仿法國國旗設計的洗碗巾。


6.French Vegetable Sponges 菜瓜布

Sponges might seem like an unusual “souvenir” but once you try these traditional French vegetable-based sponges, which are made in France (as indicated on the package) you won’t go back to synthetic. They feel so much nicer to hold and squeeze.要買紀念品,誰也不會想到海綿,但你一旦用過法國製(包裝上有說)的傳統植物海綿,就不會想再用合成海綿了。植物海綿既好握又好捏。


7.French Booze 酒

Of course you know you can find French wine on the cheap in the supermarket. But for a less common booze souvenirs, pick up an anise-flavored apertif like Pastis. 想也知道在超市買法國酒會比較便宜,但若是要買比較特別的酒,茴香酒這類餐前酒會是不錯的選擇。



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