


1. 請檢查一下是否有鋰電池放在拖運行李中。

Please check if you have any lithium batteries in your luggage to be checked in.

If so, please take them out and put them in your carry-on luggage.


2. 你的行李已經超重3公斤,按規定每一公斤需要再多付15美元的罰金。

Your suitcase is three kilograms overweight. There is a $15 penalty fee for every excess kilogram.


Q. 請問你想坐在靠窗還是靠走道的位置?

Q.Would you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?
A. 請幫我安排到靠走道的位置, 謝謝。

A.Please get me an aisle seat. Thanks.


Q. 請問一下,我想轉機到倫敦,要先到那個出口?

Q. Excuse me. I want to transfer to London. Which exit should I go to?
A. 請順著指標走,到R2出口等待即可。Follow the signs until you get to exit R2, where you’ll be waiting.

5. 你的行李箱比我們的規定高出2公分,因此要拖運不能手提。

Your suitcase is two centimeters higher than allowed. You have to check it in instead of carrying it aboard.


【TutorABC帶你環遊世界學英語 限時機票優惠GET!】


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