

How does the fast diet work?什麼是輕斷食法?

If we were to distill the Fast Diet into a single sound-bite, it would all come down to 5:2. That’s five days of normal eating, with little thought to calorie control and a slice of pie for pudding if that’s what you want. Then, on the other two days, you reduce your calorie intake to 500 calories for women and 600 calories for men.

Since you are only fasting for two days of your choice each week, and eating normally on the other five days, there is always something new and tasty on the near horizon. In short, it’s easy to comply with a regime that only asks you to restrict your calorie intake occasionally. It recalibrates the diet equation, and stacks the odds in your favour.

Bear in mind that the programme is designed as a well-signposted path towards a longer, healthier life; weight loss is simply a happy adjunct to all of that.




「 5:2輕斷食」早餐食譜建議

If you’re finding getting your calorie intake right on your fast days is a bit of a challenge, there is some great support and advice available on The Fast Diet forums which could help you decide which way forward is best for you.

Firstly, if you are going to have breakfast, lunch and dinner, a good idea is to try and aim for about 100 calories for your breakfast to tide you over until lunch.



Here are a few 5:2 breakfast ideas from the forum that are around 100 calories and might help you decide..


  • 25g porridge made with water and half a teaspoon of honey – a lovely filling breakfast option.
  • Small boiled egg
  • Beans on toast! (One small slice of wholemeal bread with 50g of baked beans)
  • Mixed berries, an apricot and 3tbsp of Greek yoghurt
  • One small scrambled egg, chopped mushroom, tomato and spinach
  • Medium sized banana
  • 25克的麥片粥加上半茶匙的蜂蜜–是早餐優質的選擇
  • 一顆水煮蛋
  • 英式吐司-一片全麥吐司加上50克的烘豆
  • 3茶匙優格加上綜合果莓和杏桃
  • 一份炒蛋,(加入切碎的香菇、番茄和波菜做配菜)
  • 一根香蕉


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