


Initial Process 準備工作

Before you even begin decorating your room, there are a few things you should do to save yourself some time and a possible headache.


Clean the Room Thoroughly 徹底大掃除

When was the last time you vacuumed under your bed? You might even want to consider shampooing the carpet. Follow these steps and you’ll have way more space in your room than you realized! It will look better right away.


Go Dark 色調暗一些

You’ve probably always heard that a small room needs white walls to open up the space. While it’s true that white DOES give an airy, open appearance, it’s also true that dark colors visually recede, making something that’s dark look further away than it really is. Take advantage of that color wizardry by painting your walls a medium-to-dark shade of a cool color like indigo blue, hunter green or charcoal gray.


Determine a Theme For Your Room 確定房間的主題

The possibilities are almost endless here. Some ideas include color themes, design themes, object themes, and so on. You can also mix and match themes based on your preferences.



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