

Drape It 窗簾垂下來

The right drapes work double-duty to open up a small space. Choose drapes the same color as your walls and hang them up high. Until the fabric hanging to the floor. The lack of color contrast with the wall makes the room look wider, while the long curtains make the ceiling look higher. It’s a double win for a small room.


Let There Be Light 要有光

A dim room feels claustrophobic. Dispel the darkness with good lighting – even in a small bedroom, you need at least two sources of light. At a minimum, you’ll need a bedside lamp and a floor lamp across the room. If you have ceiling lighting as well, that’s even better.


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall 鏡子掛牆上

You can’t beat the eye-fooling qualities of a mirror for visually enlarging a small room. And you need at least one large or full-length mirror in the bedroom anyway, or how will you know if those shoes complement that outfit?



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