


媽寶男 The Mama’s Boy


The Mama’s Boy

There are mama’s boys not only in Taiwan but also in foreign countries. Actually, it’s common that a boy loves his mother and is unafraid to show his love. However, the term “mama’s boy” refers to a man who is in mature age but still depends on his mother. He might ask his mother’s opinions for everything, constantly say, “My mom said…”, or let his mother pay all of his bills.

健身狂 The Bodybuilder


The Bodybuilder

This kind of man goes to a gym sticking to fitness and muscle training every day. Of course, you may also see his selfies in the gym a lot. In general, he is muscular and likes to rub some oil on his skin to make him look shiny. He pays close attention to his healthy diet. His goal is to look strong and fit.

延伸閱讀 :健身房會用到的英文怎麼說?

雅痞 Yuppie

這個詞是young urban professional” 或 “young upwardly-mobile professional”的簡稱。雅痞男指得是年輕受過良好教育,中上階層的專業人士。通常在衣著和生活上有一定的品味,追求時尚與享受。


This term “yuppie” is short for “young urban professional” or “young upwardly-mobile professional”. Yuppie guys are the middle-class professionals with young age as well as good education. In general, they have good tastes in clothing and comfortable lifestyles.




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