


Mr. popular 大眾情人

應該很難有人抵擋得了Mr. popular的魅力!給人的印象,通常都是高中校園裡最出風頭的那一個男孩子,擅長運動,外型帥氣又擁有許多朋友,非常受女孩子歡迎。

Mr. Popular

Most people can’t resist Mr. Popular’s charms. Usually, he is the most attractive guy in high school. He is handsome, good at sports, and has many friends, so he’svery popular among girls.


The Nice Guy  好好先生


常常滿面笑容,但也可能不善於拒絕別人。有趣的是,他們常常成為心儀女孩身後的守護者,英文俗話說:”Nice guys finish last.” 就有點這個意思,好事都先被別人給搶先了。

Mr. Nice Guy

Mr.Nice Guy will do anything for his family or friends. Usually, hehas a good temper and always keeps a smile, but he’snot good at refusing other people. It’s interesting that he often becomesa guardian for the girl he admires. As the saying goes, “Nice guys finish last.”It’s hard for him to get what he wants by being so kind and considerate.

The Loner 獨行俠


You might not notice the loner’s presence even though you were his colleague or classmate for a long time. He doesn’t like socializing, but isolateshimself instead.


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