看時事學英語》Blue Wine Causing Sensation

A Spanish company has released a bright blue wine called Gik Blue, and its popularity is growing in Europe. Wine from red and white grapes is mixed with organic pigments to produce Gik Blue. Some modern restaurants have added it to their wine lists, but time will tell if Gik Blue will be more than just a trend.

一家西班牙公司推出一款名為Gik Blue的鮮藍色葡萄酒,在歐洲開始蔚為風潮。Gik Blue葡萄酒是由紅色及白色葡萄混合有機色素製成的。有些現代餐廳已經將這種酒列入他們的酒單,但Gik Blue葡萄酒是否能持續受人喜愛還要時間來證明。

organic (adj.) 有機的,不使用化肥的
Organic food is generally more expensive. 有機食品一般較為昂貴。

pigment (n.) 色素;顏料
Melanin is the dark brown pigment of the hair, skin, and eyes that is present in varying amounts in every human being.黑色素是頭髮、皮膚和眼睛中的黑褐色色素,每個人體內或多或少都有這種色素。

照片來源:Gik Blue Wine Facebook粉絲專頁

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