疫情重災區!紐約還值得居住嗎?Is New York still the Fabulous City?

It wasn’t until the pandemic and recent protests in New York City that some New Yorkers considered leaving the city, though they love the area very much and have sacrificed a lot to live there.

The pandemic, as well as the violent reactions to the protests, have added new challenges to those asking themselves whether they still want to make their homes there. Many are deciding not to return.

But there are also plenty of New York loyalists who are proudly staying put. One resident even said he takes offense at people saying they don’t want to be in the city if the museums, galleries, bars, and restaurants are closed. They have faith that the current unrest in New York will not go on forever.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說



輕鬆帶著走 │學習


  • Make one’s home


例句:They made their home in Taipei. 他們搬到台北居住

  • Take offense at 對…感到冒犯、對…生氣

例句:She didn’t take offense at his words. 她對他說的話不感到生氣


  • Sacrifice 犧牲
  • Violent 暴力的
  • Challenge 挑戰

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