「我只是要買美術用品!」港警逮補 12 歲女孩,被外界抨擊“I’m just buying art supplies!” Hong Kong police arrest 12-year-old girl

A 12-year-old girl was buying art supplies with her family but was caught in a protest crowd and was arrested by the Hong Kong police.

The video, widely shared across social media, shows that an officer tackled the girl to the ground and several others tried to pin her down. This spurred strong criticism over the rough arrest. Hong Kong police claimed in a statement that the girl had run “in a suspicious manner” and they had used “minimum necessary force” to arrest her.

However, the girl’s version is totally different. She said the streets were blocked off by police cordons, so she and her brother tried to double back to meet their family. Then, the police suddenly ran toward her. The girl’s mother intends to make a formal complaint.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說

香港一名 12 歲女孩跟家人外出買美術用品,無意間被困在參與抗爭的人群中,竟被香港警察逮補。



輕鬆帶著走 │學習

caught 不只是「抓住、勾住」的意思,也有無意中「碰上、遇上」之意。就像本文中的女孩,就是外出時無意間碰上抗議人群。

例句:The journalists were caught in a protest crowd.


  • tackle (v.) 抓住、擒住
  • pin down 把某人事物固定、壓制住
  • rough (adj.) 粗暴
  • suspicious (adj.) 可疑的
  • minimum (adj.) 最小、最低限度的
  • police cordon (n.) 警方警戒線
  • double back 原路折返
  • formal complaint (n.) 正式投訴



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