
當年惡意資遣跨性別科學家,52 年後 IBM 公開道歉52 years later, IBM apologize for firing a transgender pioneer

This is an apology 52 years later. In 1968, IBM fired transgender computer scientist Lynn Conway to “avoid the public embarrassment.”

After that, she changed her name and did not reveal she was transgender for more than 30 years. In 1999, with her husband’s support, she revealed online her gender history and the reason why she left IBM.

Lynn Conway is now an 82-year-old professor. She has been called the “hidden hand” in the movement that enabled smartphones and PCs. The current CEO of IBM has formally apologized for how the company treated her 52 years ago and awarded her the rare IBM Lifetime Achievement Award.


這是一個遲來 52 年的道歉。1968 年,IBM 以「避免因雇用跨性別者而讓公眾感到尷尬」為由,不當解僱知名電腦科學家 Lynn Conway。

在那之後,Lynn Conway 除了隱姓埋名,也不再對外輕易透露自己跨性別身份,這樣的日子長達 30 年。直到 1999 年,在丈夫的鼓勵下,她在網路上揭露自己的性別史以及當年為何離開 IBM 的理由。 現在 Lynn Conway 已是一名 82 歲教授,被譽為推動智慧型手機和電腦發展的背後「隱藏推手」。今天 IBM 執行長終於代表公司,為當年的不當解僱正式道歉,並頒給她 IBM 終身成就獎。


transgender 指「跨性別者」,為形容詞,可以用 transgender woman 或 transgender man 來確切代表他們生理性別轉換的樣貌。


Today, we have become more understanding of people who are transgender.


  • apology (n.) 道歉
  • embarrassment (n.) 尷尬
  • reveal (v.) 揭露、透露
  • enable (v.) 使實現、使之變得可能



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