歐盟可能將在今年夏天開放已施打疫苗的美國旅客入境EU may allow vaccinated US tourists to travel to Europe over the summer

According to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, fully vaccinated US tourists may be allowed to visit the European Union starting this summer.

Since three vaccines being used in the U.S., including Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, are approved by the European Union’s drug regulator, EU member states will open to American travelers vaccinated against COVID-19 unconditionally. However, individual member countries are permitted to impose stricter restrictions as needed.

There is not yet a specific timeline for reopening available now. Discussions about vaccine passports have been going on for months. The International Air Transport Association is also developing an app for passengers to more easily share tests and proof of vaccination with governments, hoping to help resume travel.


歐盟執委會(European Commission)主席Ursula von der Leyen表示,從今夏開始,歐盟國家可能將開放已接種疫苗的美國民眾前往歐洲旅遊。

由於美國目前使用的三種疫苗,包括輝瑞(Pfizer-BioNTech)、莫德納(Moderna)、與嬌生(Johnson & Johnson),全部都有歐盟的藥品管理局核可認證,因此歐盟成員國將會無條件地對已接種新冠疫苗的美國遊客開放。不過,若有需要,個別成員國可以自行訂定執行較嚴格的管制規範。

目前還未有比較明確的邊境重開時程表。關於疫苗護照的討論已經進行好幾個月了。國際航空運輸協會(The International Air Transport Association)也正在研發一款app,讓乘客能夠更簡便地跟各國政府共享檢測與疫苗接種證明資料,期望能有助於觀光旅遊逐步復甦。


resume (v.),表示「中段後再繼續開始…」或是「恢復、重返(某地)」。

例句:The negotiation will resume tomorrow morning.協商會在明天早上繼續進行。


  • unconditionally (adv.) 無條件地
  • bloc (n.) 集團、陣營
  • impose (v.) 推行
  • strict (adj.) 嚴格的



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