游牧人生獲得奧斯卡最佳影片!Nomadland Wins Best Picture at The Oscars

Nomadland is the big winner at the 2021 Academy Awards, bringing home Best Picture and other major awards.

Written, directed, edited, and produced by Chloé Zhao, who made history by becoming the first woman of color ever to win Best Director, Nomadland tells the story of a widow who loses her job and her home and then joins some Americans living out of vans as nomads.The film’s leading actor, Frances McDormand, who produced the film as well as, also won Best Actress in a leading role. It was her third win.

Since its premiere at the Venice Film Festival, Nomadland had received accolades from dozens of critics’ groups and film societies.



《游牧人生》由華裔美籍導演趙婷撰寫、導演、剪輯和製作,她還成為奧斯卡史上第一位獲得最佳導演獎的有色人種女性,創下歷史。《游牧人生》講述一位寡婦,失去了工作和住所,因此成為生活在休旅車中的「游牧民族。」這部電影的主要演員、也是該片的製片人Frances McDormand,也獲得了本次的最佳女主角獎,這是她第三次拿獎。



Make history是非常常用的說法,意思就是「創造歷史」

例如: She made history by becoming the first woman to lead the company. 她成為第一位領導這家公司的女性,創下歷史。


例如:This is a history-making moment. 這是創造歷史的時刻


  • Edit 剪輯
  • widow 寡婦
  • premiere 首映



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