為什麼老闆總喜歡看到員工在辦公室?Why do bosses want us in the office?

The pandemic has taught us that we don’t need to pull long hours in the office to be productive; however, the bosses still want us in the office. Why?

A 2019 study found that telecommuters’ wages increased more slowly in companies where remote work was less common. Experts say there are two key psychological phenomena that fuel presenteeism.

One is the mere-exposure effect, which means that the more you are exposed to someone, the more you start to develop an affinity for them. The other is the halo effect, which says that humans tend to associate positive impressions of someone with their actual character.



根據 2019 年一項研究發現,在遠距工作不普及的公司裡,那些遠距工作的員工薪水成長也較慢。專家認為,員工「故意加班」的現象,其實來自兩個關鍵心理現象。一個是「曝光效應」,也就是當你愈常接觸某個人,你們彼此間的好感度就會增加。另一個則是「月暈效應」,也就是人類會傾向把自己看到某個人的積極外在印象,認為就是對方的實際性格。


presenteeism 可以翻作「出勤主義」或「故意加班」,也就是把延長工作時間當作一種表演,或是帶病上班,藉此讓自己在老闆或主管眼中看起來很勤奮努力。

例句:Presenteeism is the act of showing up for work without being productive. 「故意加班」是一種沒有實際生產力的表演行為。


  • productive (adj.) 高生產力
  • telecommuter (n.) 遠距工作人員
  • phenomena (n.) 現象,也可以寫成 phenomenon
  • affinity (n.) 喜愛感、好感
  • halo (n.) 月暈、光環



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