義美將回贈泡芙感謝立陶宛捐贈疫苗幫助台灣I-MEI will give signature snack puff to reciprocate Lithuania’s vaccine donation

Lithuania, the largest and southernmost of the Baltic States, with a population of around 2.8 million people, was given 100,000 medical face masks from Taiwan in the early stages of the pandemic outbreak when it faced a shortage last year.

On June 22, the Lithuanian government pledged to provide a donation of 20,000 doses of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine to Taiwan in response to Taiwan’s previous friendly support. Taiwan netizens then began to discuss buying Lithuanian products to express their gratitude for the donation.

To reciprocate Lithuania’s goodwill gesture, the Taiwan-based I-MEI Foods Co. announced that it decided to gift the country a container of its signature puff snacks, approximately 21,600 units. The shipment will include several popular flavors such as milk, strawberry, and chocolate.






goodwill 是「善意、親切、友善」,gesture是「姿勢、動作」,常見的 a gesture of goodwill 或 a goodwill gesture,則是指「表達善意的舉動」。

例句:As a gesture of goodwill, he attended the negotiation meeting alone.他獨自一人前往談判會議,以示善意。


  • reciprocate (v.) 回報、報答
  • southernmost (adj.) 最南邊的
  • Baltic States 俗稱「波羅的海三小國、波羅的海國家」,包括愛沙尼亞、拉脫維亞和立陶宛三個國家
  • pledge (v.) 承諾
  • netizen (n.) 網友
  • signature (adj.) 知名的



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