瑞士UBS銀行將允許2/3的員工保持現在「遠距/進公司」並行的混合上班模式UBS bank to allow two-thirds of staff to adopt hybrid working permanently

While rivals on Wall Street have been taking actions to bring employees back to the office, UBS Group AG, the biggest bank in Switzerland, just released its new policy. It will allow two-thirds of staff to work in a hybrid model permanently.

UBS has taken into account the experience from the prolonged period of the COVID-19 pandemic and is now trying to offer a softer approach to provide a more flexible working environment.Employees of UBS will be able to mix working from home and the office, splitting time between the two locations.

Since the epidemic situation is different in every area, UBS will roll out the new policy on a country-by-country basis.


當華爾街的競爭對手不斷採取行動、透過檢視疫苗接種進度等種種手段,來催促員工回辦公室上班的時候,瑞士最大的銀行UBS Group AG瑞銀集團發佈了一項新政策,宣布未來將允許2/3的員工持續以「混合模式」工作。




take sth into account 「考量到、顧及、注意」的意思,考慮到的因素用名詞型態表示,如果字數較多,則要挪到account後面。

例句:You should take commute time into account when you apply for a job.求職時應該要將通勤所需時間也列入評估。


  • adopt (v.) 採用
  • hybrid (n.) 混合
  • rival (n.) 競爭對手
  • prolonged (adj.) 長期的
  • on a county-by-country basis 根據每個國家不同的情況



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