2021年「打開台北」活動,帶你造訪90個平常難以接觸的秘密空間 2021 Open House Taipei to Open 90 Private Spaces to the Public

Open House Taipei will be held on the last weekend of November. It will open 90 private spaces in Taipei and New Taipei City which have been kept inaccessible to the general public.

The “Open House” event started in London thirty years ago and has taken place in more than 50 cities around the world, with nearly 2 million participants. It organizes free tours that allow people to gain a greater understanding of cultural and commercial architecture. Are you interested in the presidential suite of the Regent Taipei Hotel? Do you want to take a look at the “Sky Park” office on the 35th floor of Taipei 101, or maybe sit at the observation deck of the Beitou Refuse Incineration Plant? Do not forget to register online in advance for a drawing.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:


這個「打開建築物」的活動,是三十多年前從英文倫敦展開的,且已經在全球五十多個城市舉辦過,估計有近兩百萬人參與過。這個活動會安排免費行程,讓民眾能夠透過參觀一些平常進不去、看不到的空間,來更深入了解這些具有文化意義或商業性質的建築物空間。 你好奇台北晶華酒店的總統套房長什麼樣子嗎?會不會想看看位於台北101裡35樓的Sky Park辦公室內部有多漂亮呢?還是,也許可以坐在北投焚化爐觀景台看看風景?由於部分空間有限制參觀人數,別忘了先提前上網註冊預約抽籤喔!

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

draw 除了常見的「畫畫」之外,由於它也能代表「抽取」這個動作,因此也延伸有「抽籤、抽獎」的意思。


They drew lots to decide who would stay on duty tonight.


  • inaccessible (adj.) 難以接近
  • architecture (n.) 建築
  • presidential suite 總統套房
  • refuse (n.) 垃圾
  • incineration (n.) 焚燒



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