東亞第一!高雄將舉辦2025世界同志遊行 Kaohsiung to host 2025 WorldPride

Kaohsiung is going to host WorldPride in 2025, making Taiwan the first country in East Asia to host the event.

The event will feature parades, concerts, and other cultural activities that promote lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer issues at an international level.

The 10-day WorldPride 2025 is expected to attract millions of international tourists, potentially generating up to NT$1 billion in economic benefits.

InterPride, which licensed the WorldPride festival, also highlighted the significance of WorldPride being held in Taiwan, saying it will bring more visibility and awareness of human rights for the LGBTQIA+ community in Asia, while making it easier for surrounding countries to participate.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:


該活動除了遊行,還包括音樂會和其他活動,是提倡同志(包括男女同性戀、雙性戀、跨性別和酷兒等) 權益的國際平台。活動預計為期 10 天,預計可吸引數百萬的國際旅客,可望帶來高達10億新台幣的經濟效益。

授權舉辦 WorldPride的單位InterPride也強調了WorldPride在台灣舉辦的重要性,稱它將為亞洲的同志社區帶來更多的能見度和人權意識,同時讓周邊的國家更容易參與。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

highlight 原意是「用強光照射」,例如聚光燈。引申的意思就是「突出、強調」的意思

例句:Unfortunately, the media insisted upon highlighting his troubled past.


例句:Her performance was the highlight of the show. 她的表演是那場演出中最精彩的部分。


  • host (v.) 主辦
  • parade (n.) 遊行
  • visibility (n.) 能見度
  • promote (v.) 提倡、推廣
  • human rights (n.) 人權



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