桃園機場將試辦「One ID 臉部辨識系統」通關 “One ID” facial recognition system trials in the Taoyuan Airport

A “One ID” facial recognition system is going to be introduced to the Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport on a trial basis. It will help to improve Covid-19 preventive measures by reducing face-to-face contact.

It will also save passengers waiting time by speeding up customs clearance and the boarding process. Applying the system is in preparation for the travel boom to come in the post-pandemic era.

After scanning faces and presenting passports at check-in or security check, passengers do not have to show passports to personnel before boarding the plane.

The system will be set up only in Terminal 2 for one China Airlines and one EVA Airways flight per day in the first 14 days of December. From December 15 to the end of August next year, the trial will include more flights and more boarding gates.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

台灣桃園機場將要試辦啟用一套「One ID 臉部辨識系統」。此系統能減少面對面接觸,將有助於執行防疫措施。



在 12 月一開始的 14 天,這套系統只會先測試用在第二航廈,且只供華航與長榮兩家航空公司每天各一班飛機使用。從 12 月 15 日到明年的 8 月底,將會擴展到更多航班與登機門來試辦。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

trail 是「測試、試驗」的意思,可以當作動詞或名詞使用。「在測試進行中」可以說,on trial 或是 on a trial basis,另外,常聽到的「試營運」是 trial operation 或是 trial run。而 trial and error 則是科學中的「試誤」概念,透過快速測試、發現錯誤、而後進行修正,最終成功解決問題。

例句:In my opinion, it is more natural for kids to learn a language by trial and error.


  • recognition (n.) 辨識
  • customs clearance (n.)(在海關處)通關
  • board (v.) 登(機、船、車等)
  • boom (n.) 繁榮
  • expand (v.) 擴張



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