有線耳機在Z世代間重受歡迎 Wired headphones make a comeback among Gen Z

If you are considering buying Apple AirPods and retiring your used headphones, maybe you should give it a second thought.

Several famous young fashion icons, such as Lily Rose Depp and the Olsen sisters, have been spotted wearing wired headphones and ditching so-called earbuds. A wired earphone seems to be becoming a must-have accessory and a retro trend on social media among Gen Z. There is even a fast-growing Instagram account, Wired It Girls, capturing more and more hot girls who are “committed to the wire.”

Young people tend to reject existing “rules” and everything before them. For them, wireless earphones are functional and practical, which means not “cool” at all.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

你正打算購買蘋果的 AirPods 藍牙無線耳機、並讓你的舊耳機退役嗎?也許你應該再考慮一下。

陸續有好幾位年輕的時尚偶像,例如影星強尼·戴普和凡妮莎·帕拉迪絲的女兒莉莉蘿絲戴普(Lily Rose Depp)、還有「歐森姊妹」瑪莉凱特歐森(Mary-Kate Olsen)及艾希莉歐森(Ashley Olsen),被注意到在平時選擇戴有線耳機、而摒棄所謂的真無線耳機。在 Z 世代之間,有線耳機變成一個「必備單品」,且成為在社交媒體上的懷舊復古潮流。甚至出現一個名為「Wired It Girls 戴有線耳機的時尚女孩」的帳號,收集到越來越多女孩子「對有線情有獨鍾」的穿搭照。


輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

make a comeback 的意思是「復出、東山再起」,指重新恢復到之前的地位、表現,也可以用來形容事物重新流行、受到歡迎。

例句:Famous singer-songwriter Adele is making a strong comeback with her new album “30.”


  • retire (v.) 退役
  • spot (v.) 目擊
  • ditch (v.) 丟棄
  • earbuds (n.) 耳塞式無線耳機
  • retro (adj.) 懷舊的
  • wireless (adj.) 無線的



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