超過四成的學生不再認為高學歷是進入職場的優勢 More than 40% of college students interviewed worry about their future



People usually assume that higher education brings a good salary and a promising future. But a recent study shows that this assumption is changing.

The Professor Huang Kun-huei Education Foundation conducted a survey, interviewing 6,381 college students, which found that 40.4% of respondents have doubts about the value of a college degree and feel pessimistic about their future.

Even though over 30% of them planned to pursue further education in Taiwan or abroad, nearly half of the interviewed students hoped to join the workforce right after graduation. They do not think that their college degrees are an advantage for them to enter the job market. The oversupply of universities, which leads to more graduates than job vacancies, is thought to be the main reason.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:


「黃昆輝教授教育基金會(The Professor Huang Kun-huei Education Foundation)」做了一項調查,訪問了 6,381 名大學生。調查結果發現,高達 40.4 % 的受訪者,對大學文憑的價值感到懷疑,同時也對他們自己的未來感到悲觀憂心。

即使有超過 30 % 的受訪者預計在台灣或出國繼續攻讀更高學位,仍有將近一半的受訪學生,希望在畢業後馬上投入就業市場。他們並不認為大學學歷對他們進入職場能有加分效果。廣設大學造成了畢業生數量遠超過職缺數量,被認為是他們對「學歷是否有用」感到悲觀的主因。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

doubt v./n. 意指「懷疑、疑惑」,「對某事物感到懷疑」可以把它當動詞直接說 doubt sth/sb,或是當名詞說 have doubts about sth/sb,還能改成使用形容詞 doubtful,以 be.V doubtful about sth/sb 來表示。

例句:He never has doubts about his religion.


  • promising (adj.) 有前途的
  • assume (v.) 假定;assumption (n.)
  • pessimistic (adj.) 悲觀的
  • oversupply (n.) 供過於求
  • vacancy (n.) 職缺



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