台灣剪黏藝術家榮獲國家工藝獎殊榮 Taiwanese cut-and-paste ceramic artist honored with major award



Taiwanese cut-and-paste ceramic artist Chen San-huo was honored with the National Crafts Achievement Award in recognition of his work in the field over the past six decades.

Cut-and-paste ceramic art uses fragmented ceramics from broken bowls or vases and pieces them together to create temple ornaments. This type of art can be dated to 400 years ago.

Born in 1949 in Tainan, Chen learned the art from his brother at the age of 17 and has developed his own unique techniques, which are no longer in great demand. Chen decided to take his craft into the art world and vowed to pass it down.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:

台灣剪黏藝術家陳三火,近期榮獲 2021 年國家工藝成就獎,表彰他在 60 年的藝術生涯中傑出的表現。

所謂剪黏藝術,是利用破碗或破花瓶中的碎片,並將它們拼湊在一起,來製作成寺廟裝飾品,常可見於寺廟的屋頂或屋簷。這類藝術可以追溯到 400 年前的中國,並在約 150 年前傳入台灣。

陳三火 1949 年出生於台南,17 歲時從親哥哥那裡學習到剪黏藝術,並逐漸發展出自己獨特的技藝。不過,隨著對該工藝的需求越來越少,陳三火決定將他的手藝帶入藝術世界,並發誓要繼續傳承下去。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

pass it down 如字面所示,就是「傳承給後人」的意思,可以用 from 與 to 表示從誰傳給誰。

例句:His business is a family trade, passed down from generation to generation.

另外一個很像的字,是 hand-me-down,意思是(別人穿過的)舊衣服,例如你的哥哥姊姊傳承下來的二手衣。

例句:I got fed up with having to wear my sister’s hand-me-downs.


  • ceramic (n.) 陶瓷
  • fragmented (adj.) 破碎的
  • ornament (n.) 裝飾品
  • date (v.) 追溯
  • vow (v.) 發誓



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