

You might find these phrases very helpful when you want to introduce the next subject.你若要提起下一個主題,底下的片語都能派上用場

  • Now we’ll move on to…我們來看……
  • Now let me turn to…接著來改看……
  • After a short break, we’ll discuss…我們先休息一下,待會再來討論……
  • Next…接下來
  • Turning to…來看一下……
  • Now I’d like to discuss…我想要討論……
  • Now let’s look at…我們來看……


Let’see how to use these aforementioned phrases in the following examples我們用上述的例子來造句


  • That’s all I have to say about the new dress code. Now we’ll move on to leave requests.關於新規定的服裝規格,我要說的就是這些,我們現在來看請假事宜。
  • We’ve looked at last month’s sales figures for Europe in detail. Now let me turn to sales figures for North America. 我們看完了上個月歐洲的銷售數字,接著來改看北美的。
  • This concludes the human resources policies section of my presentation. After a short break, we’ll discuss the new dress code. 這次簡報關於人力資源政策的部分我就講到這裡,我們先休息一下,待會再來討論新規定的服裝規格。
  • This concludes the section on human resources policies. Next, I’d like to discuss the new leave request protocols.關於人力資源政策的部分我就講到這了,接下來,我要講一下請假要注意哪些事情。


Dealing with questions回答問題


After or during your presentation, you may ask, ‘Are there any questions?’ Here are some ways of beginning your answer: 你在做簡報時,或是簡報結束後,可能會問:「有沒有問題?」在回答問題前要如何起頭,底下有一些方法

That’s a good question.這問題問得好

You’ve raised an interesting question. 你問的問題很有意思

I’m pleased that you’ve asked that question. 我很高興妳問這個問題

I’m sorry, but that information is unavailable to me. 抱歉,這方面的資訊我不清楚。

As I mentioned earlier… 我稍早時有說……

I’m sorry, but I don’t quite understand what you’re asking.不好意思,我不太懂你問的問題

Okay, I see. You’re asking whether… 好,我懂了,妳是在問……

If you come see me after the presentation, we can talk about it then. 簡報結束後妳來找我,我們到時可以好好討論。

I’m not really in a position to give you that information. 我無法提供相關資訊給妳。


Summary and Conclusion摘要與結論


When your presentation is complete, you need to wrap up. Give a brief summary of your presentation. Here are some useful phrases to do just that:該講的都講了,就要總結了。底下是一些總結簡報的好用句

  • Right, let’s sum up, shall we?我們來總結吧
  • So, to recap… 簡單來說
  • Let’s summarize briefly what we’ve looked at today… 我們來總結一下今天簡報的內容
  • If I can just sum up the main points… 我來概括一下重點
  • Let us see how to use these aforementioned phrases in the following examples我們用上述的例子來造句
  • Right, let’s sum up, shall we? The new human resources policies mean that the leave request form is now online ,and your benefits summary and check stubs are available through the employee portal.我們來總結吧。新的人資政策頒布後,員工能上網請假,福利總結跟支票存根都能在職員入口網站取得。
  • So to recap, the increase in sales in our North American sector means that we will be transferring some of our European sales specialists to our North American branch.簡單來說,由於北美的銷售額增加,我們要調一些歐洲銷售員到北美分公司去。
  • Let’s summarize briefly what we’ve looked at today. Sales in the first quarter were down slightly, but they rebounded last month.我們來總結一下今天簡報的內容。第一季的銷售額稍微下滑,但上個月回升。
  • If I can just sum up the main points. If sales do not improve over the next few months, we may be looking at layoffs and cutbacks. These would include expense accounts and business travel.我來概括一下重點。倘若接下來幾個月的銷售量未見起色,公司就得裁員、節流了。往後報公帳、出差都會受到影響。



Now making business presentations in English will be as easy as one-two-three! 以後用英文做簡報就會易如反掌了。

Make sure to prepare for your presentations in advance, especially if they are in your second language! 簡報務必事先準備,如果要用外語來做簡報的話更應如此。

Practice the language tools in this lesson to make them a natural part of your speech so that you can give spontaneous, flexible business presentations.好好練習這課教的句子,說話時若能信手捻來,妳的簡報就會自然而靈活了。





attendance: to be at a special or important event: 出席

More than 2000 people were in attendance at yesterday’s demonstration.昨天參加遊行的人數超過兩千人。


handout: a piece of paper with information, which is given to people who are attending a lesson, meeting, etc. 講義

Please read the handout.請看講義。


break: a period of time when you stop working in order to rest, eat, etc. 休息時間

Let’s take a ten-minute break.我們休息個十分鐘。


retailer: a person or business that sells goods to customers in a shop零售商

Wal-Mart is a well-known large chain retailer.沃爾瑪公司是家知名的大型連鎖零售企業。


campaign: a series of actions intended to achieve a particular result relating to politics or business, or a social improvement 活動

The school has launched an anti-bullying campaign.校方發起了杜絕霸凌的活動。



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