狐狸眼妝,是時尚新潮流還是歧視性的文化挪用?Fox Eyes, The Latest Fashion Trend or Cultural Appropriation?

Recently, a beauty trend called “fox eye” has gone viral on social media. Influencers and celebrities are making tutorials to teach girls to use eye shadow, eyeliner, and fake eyelashes to emulate “almond-shaped” eyes. The point of the look is to make the eyes appear more slanted. One tip is shaving off the tail end of the eyebrows and redrawing them in an upward angle. On Tiktok, videos with the hashtag #foxeye have amassed more than 70 million views.

However, images of white girls pulling their eyes back to exaggerate the result of the makeup have caused some problems. The gesture is thought by some to be offensive to Asians, many of whom are harassed and bullied with similar actions at a young age. Some critics feel that even though the cultural appropriation might be unintentional, it could still offend the Asian community.

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Cultural appropriation「文化挪用」一詞,一般意指「相對強勢的族群,依照自己主觀的意願,來使用另一群相對弱勢族群的文化元素,例如音樂、形象、符號」,摻雜了取笑、刻板印象、甚至歧視等複雜行為。例如在表演時塗黑全臉扮演黑人丑角、或是模仿原住民的語音腔調作為笑料等等,都曾經引起過「是否對不同文化過於輕佻、出現了『文化挪用』」的討論。雖然針對「文化挪用」是否被過於濫用,一直存在正反面意見的爭議,但在對種族問題敏感的現在,我們都應該保持開放、尊重的心態,才能避免不小心誤踩歧視的地雷陷阱。


  1. 1. influencer n. 有影響力的人,網路時代的「網路紅人」可以用這個字來表示
  2. 2. emulate v. 模仿
  3. 3. slanted adj. 傾斜的
  4. 4. temple n. 太陽穴、鬢角;寺廟
  5. 5. gesture n. 手勢、動作
  6. 6. bully v. 罷凌



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