東京奧運今年將如期舉行Tokyo Olympics will go ahead this year

The International Olympic Committee said that the Tokyo Olympics, postponed for a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will go ahead even if the city is in a state of emergency during the pandemic.

Japan has reduced the number of people coming to the Olympics from 180,000 to 78,000. In addition, about 60,000 coronavirus tests will be conducted each day to minimize the risk of infections.

However, a recently released survey showed that nearly 70% of respondents said they would like the event to be cancelled or further postponed.


國際奧林匹克委員會表示,因 COVID-19而推遲一年的東京奧運會,即使東京因疫情大流行影響而處於緊急狀態,今年也將如期舉行。




來學學「奧運」怎麼說。可以說 The Olympics 或是 the Olympic Games,因為 Olympic 單獨寫,指的是形容詞「奧運的」,因此字尾必須加 s 或後面加 Games。

例句:The Olympic Games are the world’s only truly global competition. 奧運是世界上唯一的真正全球性賽事。


  • postpone (v.) 延期、延後
  • go ahead 進行
  • emergency ( n.) 緊急情況、突發情況
  • reduce (v.) 減少
  • minimize (v.) 降到最低
  • infection (n.) 感染
  • respondent ( n.) 受訪者(通常指民調)
  • further (adv.) 更進一步



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