全台科技最大祕密被BBC發現:綠色乖乖The Snack that makes Taiwan’s technology behave

Green bags of puffy, coconut-flavored corn crisps, widely known as Kuai Kuai, are part of many Taiwanese people’s childhood memories. Interestingly, we still see them a lot when we grow up. These days, they are not seen as food but as good-luck charms that ensure technology functions properly.

Kuai Kuai, whose name means ‘behave’ or ‘be good’ in both Mandarin and Taiwanese, became a symbolic tech whisperer that could keep electronics in line.

Nobody is entirely sure when this practice came along, nor who started it. The “legend” of Kuai Kuai grew and developed organically, and different people from different industries have put their own interpretations on how they think the bags ought to be used.






Come along是一個非常常用的動詞片語,意思是「來到」、「出現」

例如:Three buses come along at the same time. 三輛公車同時出現

Come along也可以當作「發展」、「進展」

例如:The work was coming along quite well. 工作進展得相當順利


  • function 運作
  • symbolic  象徵的
  • organic 有機的



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