中年人一晚睡不到六小時,會提高罹患失智症的風險Sleeping less than 6 hours a night in middle age linked to higher risk of dementia

Middle-aged people who frequently get six hours of sleep or less each night are at a 30% greater risk of dementia in later life, according to a recent study published in the journal Nature. Even though there is no concrete evidence to prove that poor sleep is the cause of dementia, many scientists still believe that the result of the study supports the observation that routinely sleeping too little may lead to neurodegenerative disease.

It is known that our brain will clear toxic waste during sleep, so one hypothesis is that insufficient sleep will impair the process. Experts suggest people to align with their body’s natural rhythm to improve sleep and avoid consuming stimulants such as caffeine before bed.





impair (v.)是削弱、損害的意思,可以用在有形的 impair one’s hearing(傷害聽力),也能描述無形的impair one’s ability/chance(損害能力、降低機會)等等。visually impaired意指視障人士,impaired driving則是指諸如吸毒、飲酒後身體控制力減弱情況的駕駛行為。

例句:Taking medication might impair one’s ability to drive. 吃藥可能會影響駕駛能力。


  • dementia (n.)失智症、痴呆
  • concrete (adj.)確實的
  • neurodegenerative (adj.)神經組織退化的
  • hypothesis (n.)假說
  • stimulant (n.)刺激物
  • caffeine (n.)咖啡因



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