一名母親用「深偽技術」合成的照片陷害女兒的啦啦隊競爭者Mother set up daughter’s cheerleading rivals with deepfake photo

A 50-year-old woman in Pennsylvania, USA has been charged with manipulating photos and videos of three teenage girls.

She is alleged to have doctored photos from their social media accounts to make them look like the girls were drinking, smoking, and naked, attempting to get them kicked out of her daughter’s cheerleading squad. She is also accused of sending harassing text messages to them.

Deepfakes come from using machine deep learning artificial intelligence to create fake images. The district attorney of the case believes that the technology is prevalent and easy to use for everyone, which is very scary. However, a deepfake researcher reminded the public not to panic: “We, as a global society, need to prepare at different levels.”





  • accuse sb of 控制某人某個罪行

例句:The policeman was accused of abusing his position.這名員警被控濫用職權。

  • be charged with 被控告某種罪行

例句:The general manager was charged with embezzlement.總經理被控挪用公款。


  • rival (n.)競爭對手
  • deepfake (n.)深偽技術
  • manipulate (v.)操控、控制
  • allege (v.)(未經證實地)指控
  • doctor (v.) 竄改;(n.) 醫生、博士
  • artificial intelligence AI人工智慧
  • prevalent (adj.) 普遍的



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