慶祝驕傲月 樂高推出首款同志盒組!First Lego LGBTQ set arrives!

Lego launched its first ever LGBTQ-themed set, named “Everyone Is Awesome,” on June 1st, the first day of Pride month. The set contains 11 monochrome figures in the colors of the classic rainbow flag, a symbol for the LGBTQ community. Aside from the six colors, brown and black figures represent ethnic diversity; pale blue, white and pink reflect the transgender banner.

Matthew Ashton, the set’s designer, said he wanted to create a model that symbolizes inclusivity and celebrates everyone, and hopes it will start more conversations. The advent of the set also shows that the toy industry is taking steps to make iconic children’s products more inclusive.


6 月是同志驕傲月,樂高在驕傲月第一天,推出了首個 LGBTQ同志主題的盒組,名為「每個人都很棒」。盒組包含 11 個單色迷你人偶,顏色來自代表同志社群的經典彩虹旗:紅橙黃綠藍紫。除了這六種顏色,還有棕色和黑色,代表種族多樣性;淡藍色、白色和粉紅色是跨性別驕傲旗幟的顏色。

該盒組設計師Matthew Ashton表示,他想設計一款盒組,來推廣包容性,也鼓勵每個人的價值,希望能因此開展更多的對話。該盒組的問世,也代表玩具行業正在致力讓兒童玩具,更具有包容性。


Inclusive長得很像include包括,意思也很像,就是有包容性的,字面上可以意指包含了所有事情,例如:an inclusive tour 包括一切費用在內的旅遊。


例句:This club is very inclusive. People of all colors, genders, and ages are welcomed. 這個俱樂部非常有包容性,歡迎所有膚色、性別和年齡的人參加。


  • monochrome 單色的
  • ethnic 種族的
  • take steps 採取行動



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