千萬不要給寵物戴口罩Don’t put masks on your pets

With local infection rates on the rise in Taiwan recently, we are advised to wear masks to protect against COVID-19, but don’t put masks on your pets.

Why? Experts explain that under normal circumstances, dogs breathe 30 to 40 times per minute. However, when they are muzzled, the rate could spike to 200 or 400 times. This may increase their risk of heatstroke or heat exhaustion.

In addition, alcohol disinfection of cats and dogs should be avoided as they may die from alcohol poisoning.


由於台灣正經歷本土感染,我們都被勸導要戴上口罩以避免確診 COVID-19,但千萬不要給你的寵物戴上口罩。

為什麼呢?專家解釋,在正常情況下,狗狗每分鐘呼吸 30 次到 40 次,但如果他們的嘴鼻被口罩覆蓋住,呼吸速度可能會飆升到 200 或 400 次,這將大幅增加他們中暑或熱衰竭的風險。此外,也不要直接用酒精對貓狗進行消毒,因為他們可能因酒精中毒而死亡。


spike 指「上升到很高的數量、價格或程度」,適合用來描述某一階段的數字變化,常見於新聞英文中。

例句:The unemployment rate spiked to a three-year high last month. 上個月的失業率飆升到近三年最高。


  • muzzle (v.) 讓動物戴上口套、口罩等覆蓋嘴鼻部位的東西
  • spike (v.) 急速上升
  • heatstroke (n.) 中暑
  • heat exhaustion (n.) 熱衰竭
  • disinfection (n.) 消毒
  • poisoning (n.) 中毒



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