葡萄牙修法!雇主在下班後聯絡員工交代公事,從現在開始將開罰 Contacting Employees after Work Hours Now Illegal in Portugal

Will your boss text you during non-work hours? Under the rules that Portugal recently passed, it is illegal for employers to contact their employees outside of their office hours. As a result, employers might face penalties.

In addition, companies have to help pay for extra expenses caused by remote working, such as internet service or electricity. Monitoring employees when they work from home is not allowed either.

The remote workforce has expanded due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new rules, which will only be applied to companies with more than ten employees, intend to protect people’s right to a healthy work-life balance.

友善讓你懂 │ 解說:



由於 COVID-19 疫情的影響,遠距工作的人力大量擴張。這些新的法令目前將只會針對十名員工以上規模的公司進行規範,試圖要保護人們維持健康工作生活平衡的權利。

輕鬆帶著走 │ 學習:

「上班時間」有幾種比較常見的說法,work time、working hours、office hours、business hours、regular hours,重點是 hours 一定要以複數型態表示。after work 則是「下班後」,也可以outside of working hours、outside of contracted hours、after hours、off hours 等等來表示。

We should try not to text colleagues outside of working hours to improve a work-life balance.


  • forbidden (adj.) 遭到禁止的
  • penalty (n.) 罰金、罰則
  • expense (n.) 花費
  • monitor (v.) 監視
  • expand (v.) 擴大



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