2022年最佳旅遊城市,台北高居第二! Taipei, the second-best city to visit in 2022!

Taipei has been ranked as the second-best city to visit in 2022!

Lonely Planet is a leading travel guide book publisher founded in 1973. It recently released its list of the top 10 best cities to travel to in 2022, with an emphasis on seeking balance between travel and safety amid the ongoing pandemic.

Auckland, New Zealand, is ranked as the best on the list, while Taipei came in second. Lonely Planet points out that the ability to contain local COVID-19 outbreaks, the 300-year history, the cuisine and the clean public facilities such as MRT and free public toilets are keys to making the city wonderful.


在 2022 年推薦旅遊城市名單中,台北高居第二名!

《孤獨星球》是成立於 1973 年的知名旅遊指南出版社,它最近發布 2022 年十大最佳旅遊城市名單,並強調在疫情仍在流行的今天,將在旅行與安全之間取得平衡。

在這份榜單中,紐西蘭的奧克蘭排名第一,而台北排名第二僅次於奧克蘭。《孤獨星球》指出,成功控制 COVID-19 本土疫情的能力、300 年的歷史、美食以及諸如捷運、免費公廁等乾淨的公共設施,都是讓這座城市美好的關鍵。


如果要說 A 是 B 的關鍵,就是「A is the key to B」。後面接動詞的話,要變成 V+ing。

例句:​​Patience is the key to success. 耐心是成功的關鍵。


  • leading (adj.) 領先的、主要的
  • publisher (n.) 出版社 
  • release (v.) 發布 
  • ongoing (adj.) 持續中
  • contain (v.) 控制、遏止
  • public facilities (n.) 公共設施



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