法國頒新令,禁止馬戲團、海洋公園再用野生動物進行表演節目France Bans Wild Animals in Circuses and Marine Parks

In the next few years, France is going to progressively ban traveling circuses’ use of wild animals, such as elephants, tigers, lions, or hippopotamuses, for presentation or performance. Taking effect in 2022, it will ban the keeping of dolphins and killer whales in captivity in marine parks for shows. In addition, three marine parks in France are immediately prohibited from bringing in or breeding new dolphins and killer whales. There is also a ban on farming minks for fur beginning in 2025.

Even though the ban does not apply to zoos and other permanent shows, the French government is taking action to show its concern about the welfare of animals. At the same time, it promises to fund and help the staff working in the affected circuses and marine parks to find other jobs.

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captivity n. 是囚禁、關押的意思,用in captivity表示「被關起來的狀態」,被釋放出來的時候,就可以說be released from captivity。Captive n. 則是「被關起來的人、動物」,在戰爭時,也代表「戰俘」。



Animals raised in captivity might not know how to hunt when released back to the wild.


  • circuses (n.) 馬戲團
  • marine (adj.) 海洋的
  • breeding (n.) 繁殖、飼育
  • farm (v.) 養殖、種植。當名詞用時,就是常見的「農場、養殖場」。



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