穿童裝並自拍?中國的網路風潮引發批評Trying on kid’s T-shirts and taking photos? China’s online fad sparks concern

How would you feel if all of your friends were posting photos of themselves trying on children’s T-shirts? Young Chinese women are flocking to Uniqlo’s fitting rooms to try on clothes from the children’s section and posting photos of themselves on social media.

The trend illustrates an unhealthy obsession among some Chinese women with looking thin. It also sparked concern that they are fueling pressure for women to be unnaturally thin. Critics say the majority of Chinese people have not realized the damage that fat-shaming can have on someone’s well-being.


如果你看到身邊朋友都在張貼自己試穿童裝 T 恤的照片,會有什麼感覺?最近中國大陸年輕女性紛紛湧向日本時裝品牌 Uniqlo 的更衣室,一邊試穿童裝、一邊拍照上傳社群媒體炫耀。



fat-shaming 可以當作名詞,也可以當作形容詞,指的是「肥胖羞辱」,也就是針對一個人的體型而進行污辱。


People were urged to boycott the company’s fat-shaming ads. 大家被鼓動要抵制那間公司的肥胖羞辱廣告。


  • flock (v.) 蜂擁
  • illustrate (v.) 說明、描繪
  • obsession (n.) 念念不忘的想法
  • fuel (v.) 激起



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