少女模仿抖音上的「火焰挑戰」後緊急送醫住進加護病房Teenage girl hospitalized in ICU after trying TikTok fire challenge

In the USA, a 13-year-old girl, Destini Crane, allegedly emulated a “fire challenge” on TikTok and ended up hospitalized in the intensive care unit with severe burns on her right arm and neck.

The recent trend of the “fire challenge” is to spray flammable liquid such as hairspray on the mirror in shapes and symbols, turn off the lights, set fire onto it, and then watch the shapes light up. It seems that the challenge has stemmed from Jack Jerry, an online influencer who has 1.8 million followers on TikTok, the popular social media video app.

Destini, still unable to speak, underwent a tracheotomy and skin-grafting surgeries and will likely need a long time to recover. Her mother and sister shared this story to warn and remind parents to pay close attention to what their children are doing on social media


美國一名13歲少女Destini Crane據稱在模仿抖音上的「火焰挑戰」時,手臂與脖子不慎嚴重燒傷,被緊急送入醫院加護病房治療。

這個近來流行的「火焰挑戰」,是將例如髮膠噴霧等含有可燃性液體的東西噴在鏡子上,畫出形狀或符號,接著關燈、點火,然後看著剛剛火焰沿著剛剛畫出的圖案燃燒。這個挑戰一開始似乎是從名為Jack Jerry的網紅開始流行的,他在抖音這個熱門的社交影音app上擁有180萬人追蹤。

Destini 目前仍舊傷勢嚴重無法說話,她已經接受了氣管切開術以及幾次植皮手術,且大概需要很長的時間才能復原。她的媽媽和姊姊分享這個故事來警告並提醒家長們,要多注意自己的孩子在社群媒體上的行為,以防憾事再次發生。


stem from sth 是指「由…所造成,源自」的意思。

例句:The misunderstanding stemmed from miscommunication between two leaders. 這個誤會是因為兩位領導人之間資訊傳遞有誤所造成的。


  • hospitalize (v.) 送醫治療
  • emulate (v.) 仿效
  • intensive care unit 加護病房,簡稱ICU
  • set fire to 縱火燃燒
  • influencer (n.) 網路上有影響力的人,網紅
  • undergo (v.) 經歷(不愉快的事)
  • tracheotomy (n.) 氣管切開術
  • skin graft 皮膚移植



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