83歲最老影帝:安東尼霍普金斯演活失智爸爸Anthony Hopkins becomes oldest actor to win an Oscar

At 83, British legendary actor Anthony Hopkins won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in The Father, making history to become the oldest actor to ever win an Oscar.

Hopkins’ win was a huge upset. The late actor Chadwick Boseman was expected to win Best Actor for his performance in Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, his final film before his death. Even Hopkins himself was surprised by his unexpected win.

In The Father, Hopkins plays an old man with dementia, and his relationship with his daughter, played by Olivia Colman, becomes trickier as his condition worsens. Hopkins’ performance is the focal point of the entire story.



儘管霍普金斯是家喻戶曉的知名演員,但他獲勝其實出乎意料。原先,得獎呼聲最高的,是已故演員查維克.博斯曼(Chadwick Boseman),他在《藍調天后》中的表演頗受好評,這也是他去世前的最後一部電影,因此甚至霍普金斯本人,也對他的意外勝利感到驚訝。

在《父親》中,霍普金斯扮演患有癡呆症的老人,而隨著他的病情惡化,他與奧莉維亞‧科爾曼(Olivia Colman)扮演的女兒之間的關係,也變得更加棘手,霍普金斯的表演,可以說是整個故事的重點。



動詞例句:the Democrat upset the governor in the election. 這位民主黨人在選舉中意外地擊敗了州長。

名詞例句:This actor’s win is a major upset to the race. 這位演員的勝利令人跌破眼鏡。


  • legendary 傳奇的
  • expect期望
  • dementia 痴呆症



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